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Recovery journey - activities

Hi I am new here.

I am looking for volunteering work to assist with my recovery. Whilst I work with a recruitment agent I am free during the week and am having trouble finding things to do. Have joined a local craft group but that is on two hours a week. Does anyone have any suggestions to online chat groups or things to do online? I don't have a car to I am mainly at home. 


Re: Recovery journey - activities

Hi I don't know how to start a new post. What do you do if you've got a plan but have tried psychologists who do nothing and are useless. Have spent lots of $$$$. What is plan b - lifeline? Eg do you need to attempt suicide before getting traction from health professionals? Have done the Find a psych etc things but I don't know what my one issue is it assumes you can self diagnose before seeking assistance. No one seems interested in diagnosing your issues. Instead just serve up what you can google eg meditation and breathing. Thinking of becoming a psychologist if it's that easy. 

Re: Recovery journey - activities

Hi @MargaretM - have you tried looking at Seek Volunteer for online volunteering opportunities?

Re: Recovery journey - activities

Yes I am working with my recruitment agent for volunteering jobs including seek and volunteering websites. 

Re: Recovery journey - activities

Churches and Charities encourage volunteering, also not for profits and environmental groups.


Smiley Happy

Re: Recovery journey - activities

Goodo, @MargaretM. Some people who have been on the forums a long time volunteer their time here on the forums to meet and greet new people and respond to their messages in particular.

Before COVID, I volunteered at a local charity shop as well as with children and they're both very important to me. Something else you could try, if you're crafty, is to knit beanies for which distributes them to people in need.

Re: Recovery journey - activities

Hi @Unity ,


Definitely hear and appreciate your frustration there. Just wanted to check in and ensure you're not experiencing ideation or thoughts around suicide in your comment around help-seeking there for your safety and that of the community, and to assure anyone that may be that help is definitely available out there, and also to clarify that services like Lifeline and SCBS are available to anyone experiencing a crisis big or small or just needing a chat, top-up or check-in no matter what the severity or situation one is dealing with.


Hope you are doing well and that the Forums are able to provide you with some great support along the way also.


Thanks for posting and here with you always,



Re: Recovery journey - activities

Hi and welcome, @MargaretM  and @Unity  🙂



@Unity , I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so hopeless about getting help 😞


I hope you will keep trying - good psychologists are out there. 


Also, to start a new thread, click on one of the "Forum Topics" - e.g. Welcome and Getting Started, Our Stories, Looking After Ourselves, etc - and there will be a teal-coloured "new discussion" button on the right.


Another handy forum tip is to type @ and then click on a name in the drop-down box - that way the person you're replying to will get a notification, and won't miss your reply. 

Re: Recovery journey - activities

Hi @MargaretM 

I've always found volunteering was a big part of my recovery too, and I am really looking forward to hearing the volunteering opportunities you find and ways that contribute to you Heart


Here on the forums, we do have Community Guides if that is something you are interested in down the track. Community Guides are active members of our community, who take the next step by putting their hand up to help with peer support and building a sense of community on the forums 🙂 You will see our amazing Community Guide team around the forums! 


We recruit new volunteer Community Guides every 6 months (the next one will be towards November), so if that's something you are interested in working towards, you are welcoming to give it a go providing support to others here on the forums and starting discussions you are interested in Heart