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Senior Contributor


First ever time I've posted on here and I'm not sure how this all works but I'm extremely isolated. 

I just seem to be going in circles regarding finding help for myself 


Senior Contributor

Re: Isolated

Hi Steven,
The way it works is that we try to help one another by sharing experiences and sometimes just listening. I would suggest you start by telling us a bit more about what is going on in your life at the moment as much as you feel comfortable with.

Re: Isolated

Yeah I understand but unfortunately I'm not comfortable with sharing publicly ,it wouldn't be helpful .I gave it a shot and tried my best. 

This is probably not the place for me so I won't post anymore  .  

Re: Isolated

Hi and welcome, @Steven78 .


I hope you won't leave just yet...I'm sorry you feel so isolated.


Was it some mental health help you were looking for? You can go to your GP and ask for a Mental Health Care Plan. This would entitle you to 10 (20 during Covid) subsidised sessions with a psychologist per year. There is a long wait (maybe 6 months) to get in at the moment due to all the demand, but at least you could get on the waiting list. 


You can also type any topic into the Search bar above (like 'depression', 'isolated', 'anxiety', etc.)


I hope you will stick around...

Senior Contributor

Re: Isolated

Hey @Steven78  firstly welcome to the forums. I’m sorry that you don’t feel comfortable enough to share here and that you are feeling really isolated. I can confirm that it’s a really safe place and everyone is really welcoming and friendly. 

I hope that you will give it a go. 


Senior Contributor

Re: Isolated

Hi @Steven78 


I really hope you stick around. As @Bow says this is a really safe space. Everyone's story is different and no one judges. There is so much help and support here. 


Hope to see you again


Hanami 💮

Re: Isolated

Hi @Steven78,

Welcome to the forums. My name is FloatingFeather and I am one of the peer support workers at SANE. You made the first step in reaching out. The forums are a great place to talk, discuss your feelings and thoughts in a safe, non-judgemental environment. We have a lot of amazing members that are very supportive and wise. 

It's okay to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable. There is no pressure, just support and understanding when and if you are ready. One of the good things at SANE is that we are all anonymous.

Another way to get support is the SANE Support Centre which is a free service available from 10am-10pm Monday to Friday. We have counsellors and peer support workers available to support you via phone (1800 18 7263) or webchat.

Some people are comfortable sharing their story easily and for some people it can be extremely difficult. A very close friend of mine sat with something for many years that upset her because it took a long time for her to trust and build up the courage to tell someone. Just know we are here if you ever feel like you want to talk.

Best wishes,


Re: Isolated

Yeah tried it and definitely not comfortable over sharing for no reason. I've tried all the phone lines unfortunately it isn't for me either.
They are really nice people but unfortunately nothing can be done for me. I tried my best but there is no help for me .

Re: Isolated

Unfortunately I've heard all the cliches before and in all honesty nothing can be done for me. Thanks anyways

Re: Isolated

Obviously I've been down all those avenues and I'm trying to reply to everyone also but unfortunately when someone is isolated it's not a group of people that fixes that it's quote often just one person that can. That said it's really uncomfortable and counter productive being on here. ( Unfortunately just the way it is )