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Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I can’t get myself to study, my brain just keeps drifting to the thoughts. Tried some prayers, the thoughts persist. I guess I have to keep up with self care and hope it’ll lessen.

I hope you are able to get whatever you need to get done tonight.

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer I hope it lessens too hun. Sometimes we just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other hey, as difficult as that can be. 


Thanks darlin, I hope so too - but also recognise my energy is a bit low atm so might have to wait till tomorrow before I do off to shops, especially because that environment tends to be pretty draining. 


I'm on standby if you wanna keep chatting about stuff, or want me to come sit with ya - just say the word 💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I finished up my prayers, feel a bit better, still feeling the sense of unease inside me. I guess I’ll have to sit with it. I’m already exhausted from the flashbacks, don’t feel like sitting with emotions.

The shops can be very stimulating. How do you cope with sensory overload when you’re out?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer yeah gotta pick our battles atimes don't we? No point tryna sit with it if it's gonna breed resentment or frustration. I'm glad the prayers were helpful hun; very good for the soul indeed 💜


Noise-cancelling headphones! It's bonkers to me that people will just raw-dog the grocery store without any kind of sensory filter haha. I also try to be mindful of my warning signs for overwhelm - like getting irritable about having to wait in line or being impatient about having to scoot around someone blocking the aisle. I also try to remind myself that I don't have to do everything all at once. Like, sometimes I have something on my list that I feel like I have to do, probably because if I don't it means I'll have to remember to do it later (which involves both effort to remember, and effort to head out of the house again). So I try to remind myself that unless it's on an actual deadline, it can wait, cos when I gotta bail from the shops I gotta BAIL, ya know?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I feel like things are escalating. This body flashback isn’t shaking itself off. If this PRN doesn’t kick in soon, I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

Noise cancelling headphones sound like a good idea, never tried that

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer aww hun, I am sorry that it feels like things are escalating, that can be so scary. I know it's not always a 'desirable' option but chatting to a crisis line could help - just having that opportunity for co-regulation and a safe space to vent, ya know?


Yeah grocery shopping is waaaay more tolerable when you can choose your own soundtrack, haha you could even pop on your fav movie soundtrack and turn it into an adventure 😉 That's what I sometimes do. 

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I’m going to bed. I’ll talk to you when I catch you next. Goodnight 💖🫂

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Nighty night @creative_writer rest well hun, hope tomorrow is easier on you 💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I hope you slept well last night ❤️

I think I'm going to need more PRN 😞 , my brain wants me gone. But I'm staying safe for now

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

After 6 harrowing months I got my headphones yesterday.  OMG.  I'm hoping my prns will go back to being just that and not in my regular pack.😅🤣😂 FYI I'm very attuned to what you are describing.  It resonates and whilst I'm sorry you're in the midst of an epic battle it gives me strength knowing that I'm not alone. As much as I love sailing and rough seas Kay Cottee I'm not.  (I self manage using analogies and humour and my over-active imagination.)  🫠🙃🤪🤗😊🥰