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Re: Trying makes it worse

I was able to bounce back @tyme and I feel better

My self care hasn't been good and my hair is in dreadlocks and needs a brush 


I feel foreign to myself, at times, but also secure and less alone since accessing new mental health programs

Re: Trying makes it worse

Thanks for the update @EternalFlower . I believe in you. 


I recognise it was terribly hard recently, but I'm glad to hear you have bounced back. 


It's also good to know that you feel less alone in your MH journey. Everytime I hear from you, it brings me so much joy because I know you are in good hands.


I wonder if feeling 'foreign' is a common feeling in that you 'let go' of self in order to learn more about yourself? That was my experience. I realised there was an intense lack of self-identity and I had no idea who I was.


Hugs @EternalFlower . So so pleased to hear from you.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Oh dear @EternalFlower 


Sorry to hear you were in a cardiac ward.  Yet your resilience shines through.


Group processes can be tricky. It’s not all… throw everyone in and they’ll magically love each other. Our genuine feelings are important to work through. You are doing that. So many feelings can be shameful and denied. I do it. Most do. Sounds like deep attachment and abandonment wounds. I like reading some quora forums about therapy. Helps me put things in perspective.

Glad @PeppyPatti @tyme and the others….talked to you… they can be comforting and inspiring.


good to see you over on the good morning thread.


I haven’t logged on to forums for 3 weeks which is a long time for me.


Actually have been struggling a lot myself and loved one had 2 admissions in a couple months. Utterly exhausted and very low mood myself.


sending a song …I will not crumble if you fall


tom jones


not able to do tek stuff on this device



Re: Trying makes it worse


Dearest @EternalFlower 




Did it for you Apple cherub. 


Apple gives very caring 

Words of wisdom. I copy and paste her messages sometimes. 


Ide be exhausted too @Appleblossom 

That's a lot to manage....isn't there a grandson in the mix ? I bet he gets all that love if yours. 



You are very correct in group therapy. I personally truly believe in group therapy if the group is well facilitated. I believe it's a way for the future. 

Tom Jones performing brand new track "I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall" taken from his brand new album 'Surrounded By Time' filmed at Real World Studios in Wiltshire, UK. Tom Jones' New Album 'Surrounded by Time' is out now: #TomJones ...

Re: Trying makes it worse











I feel that exactly how I felt when I was struggling through therapy twice per week  from 1997 to 2002. One day I just walked in, gave her cash money and said 

" I'm over this. Goodbye." 


I used to cry and cry, f.....

I would rage and rage. She was so passive aggressive..... 

I felt foreign - detached. 

 For those 5 years. 

I felt exactly what you wrote @tyme 




Today I hold my little girl in my hands before I place her safety in my heart. Sometimes at night she stirs. I feel her getting comfortable again. 

Re: Trying makes it worse

Re: Trying makes it worse

Ah @PeppyPatti so much thanks to you 

The Joe Jackson was good … more dreamy …




@EternalFlower cooee 

another precious human 

Re: Trying makes it worse



I'm here with you. 


Yes, pleased you accessed mental health programs.

When was it @tyme ? When @tyme wrote about feeling foreign I felt she/he was writing to me. 

Re: Trying makes it worse


Did you get the update on @tonys from @Gemma13 over on Re: Good Morning ? 
Apparently Tony’s is still in hospital and is struggling with a few things but he is ok and getting better. He will come back to us here when he is able

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hugs @EternalFlower ,


Thinking of you. Feels like I haven't seen you around much. Hope you are okay.


Hey @Oaktree @PeppyPatti @Appleblossom  🙂


Remembering @tonys