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Peer Support Worker

RECORDING // Mental Health Webinar 6 // Lived Experience of Hearing Voices //

Lived Experience of Hearing Voices Recorded Webinar.png





🎙 Lived Experience of Hearing Voices   

👩🏻 Featuring: Peta – Senior Peer Support Worker & Hearing Voices Group Facilitator at SANE   

In this 60-minute community webinar, SANE senior peer support worker and Hearing Voices program facilitator, Peta, shares their experiences of Schizophrenia and how the Hearing Voices program helped shape their recovery, their family relationships and their career. 


Hear first-hand about: 

  • What it’s like to “hear voices” 
  • The types of relationships people may have with their “voices” 
  • The importance of self-help, mutual respect and empathy 

Includes a 20-minute Q&A session. 

About Peta
Peta (them/they) is the senior peer worker at SANE and a facilitator of the Hearing Voices programThey are passionate about mental health recovery and supporting people to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. Peta is qualified in community services and alcohol and other drugs, and is dedicated to working in the community services, mental health and gender identity sectors. Peta facilitates the Hearing Voices Group for SANE and has been running group programs and individual peer support sessions for 3 years.




Re: RECORDING // Mental Health Webinar 6 // Lived Experience of Hearing Voices //

Thank you for this interesting and informative discussion. I had originally meant to attend live, but got distracted and lost track of the time. 


It was a pleasant surprise to learn that this was available as a recording as well, so thankfully got to view it and did not miss out. 

Re: RECORDING // Mental Health Webinar 6 // Lived Experience of Hearing Voices //

Hi there. Found this Webinar very interesting, and thank you so much, Peta, for your lived experience of Schizophrenia.

There is a unique experience put forward when people discuss their own lived experience because so many mental health conditions are 'text book', yet many of us don't tick all the boxes. We are each unique in how we live, experience and connect with our illnesses.

Would love to see more Webinars that include Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), because this is also a Mental Illness that has hearing Voices as criteria. Hearing Voices, perceived as Alter Personalities, internal (as experienced in your mind) also, in our experience of living with DID, likewise have both negative and positive experiences.

Thank you so much, SANE. Whilst we don't often connect on SANE forums, or go through logging on and then a time gap til the next log in, we always find SANE informative, supporting and helpful. The Lived Experience community is invaluable.


Re: RECORDING // Mental Health Webinar 6 // Lived Experience of Hearing Voices //

Thanks for sharing @DIDJane . I'm glad you found it helpful.

Re: RECORDING // Mental Health Webinar 6 // Lived Experience of Hearing Voices //

Aww what a weight off my shoulders. That was what I needed to hear! Thankyou