Where do we start?
My adult child's psychiatrist quit with no recommendations & no scripts bar one saying to find another doctor before the script runs out (3 months) after 3 years of frankly the most disinterested patient treatment ever, just phone consultations for last 2 years ($300 half hour, $200 15 minutes) and offered nothing except repeat script... and my adult child seemed stuck in holding pattern for entire time, only improvements where my child's own, self improvement (sobriety 10 months so far) seem to give us a a view of little distance rainbow moving forward...Now... After 2 weeks my AC (adult child) has been having many constant conversations with those in another realm, so wondering if not only BPD, PTSD, OCD Depression, Anxiety & Autistic as diagnosed 'maybe' I am wondering after reading more information online Schizophrenia may have been overlooked (or developed) over this time... Really hoping to find a professional, on Sunshine Coast region that works for best patient outcomes rather than a take the money to write out a script with no interest, morals or ethical responsibility, is there anyone with advice, recommendations... really know my AC needs professional help not just parents who love them for them to find healthy functional rewarding outcomes.