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Support for Supportivemamma

Hey Everyone,


@Supportivemamma is looking to connect with people who may experience the struggles associated with having teens with mental health challenges.


Whilst they are a carer, it's important to factor in the impact her responsibilities have.


Does anyone have any insights into looking after oneself when caring for teens?


I'll let @Supportivemamma share a little about themselves


Tagging @Snowie @Shaz51 @Zoe7 @Anastasia @NatureLover @PeppyPatti @ENKELI @Former-Member @Tilz @MermaidHair 


Re: Support for Supportivemamma

Thank you and I appreciate any support. It’s been really tough.

Re: Support for Supportivemamma

Hi @Supportivemamma 


Welcome to the Sane forums.

Whilst I don't have any teenagers with mental health challenges, I am a mum to two teenagers.

I have got my own mental health challenges.


I think it is really important to make sure you get some time to yourself, to recharge the batteries. Even just sitting down and having a coffee or going outside and enjoying nature can help.

Remember that if you don't look after yourself first, you can't look after others.

There is Carers Australia that might be able to help too. Their number is 1800 242 636. 

Re: Support for Supportivemamma

Hey there @Supportivemamma ðŸŒºðŸ™‚

welcome to the SANE Forums.
I don’t have teenage children (I don’t have kids of my own), however I have expeirence in supporting teens with mental health challenges as a former allied health worker, and I live with anxiety, cptsd (complex post traumatic stress), and social phobia.
Even though I don’t have a similar situation, I’d like to kindly say that if you’d like to chat, I’d be happy to listen and help if I can 🌺

these days I do take a little longer to reply (a couple of health issues) but I’m here often 🙂

I hope your weekend goes ok, and take care of you too 🌺

Re: Support for Supportivemamma

Hello @Supportivemamma 

I don't have children of my own 

But I have 4 step children who are all adults now 

My husband and my 3 step sons have diagnosis of ADHD and ASD 

I am here to chat, please ask any questions you may have xx

Re: Support for Supportivemamma

@Former-Member thank you. Sleep is a huge problem at the moment. It’s all topsy turvy. He isn’t working. 17 and wants to find work. Is sleeping at lot during the day and the up all night. He says it’s his way to cope. However last night I woke to him yelling and letting off steam to an unsuspecting pile of blankets. Which, I’d rather they be hit than a wall. And when I asked what happening he said he was so angry he’s still alive. I didn’t know what to say. We sat in silence for a bit and I started to cry as I was shocked to be woken like that and I truly thought things had turned a bit of a corner. It was 3.30am or somewhere around then. I really haven’t stopped crying since then. Once I did go back to bed and slept. I woke up crying. I’ve stopped on and off. I just feel my words are worthless to him. It’s never correct. He has his first DBT session on Monday. Hoping to get him to that and it will help. I’m on edge. Sorry there’s so much more to this story. But there are a few highlights from the last 24 hours. Any advice ? Or ask me clarifying questions. 

Re: Support for Supportivemamma

@Shaz51 how do you cope?  I suspect my husband may have asd. He definitely has traits and as we have been coming up with these challenges from my son they seem more evident in my husband.  But how have you survived. I think I’ve done really well until now but I don’t feel I’m keeping it together. Leaving him with my husband so I get a break is not something I feel I can do right now. I am seeking counselling through my work esp and seeing a great psychologist in 2 weeks. I’ll ring this week to be out I the cancellation list. 

Re: Support for Supportivemamma

Thank you and I’ll look into the Carer’s Australia. I’m guessing they have a website?

Re: Support for Supportivemamma


You are doing very well my friend 🧡 

It is hard when you get these hiccups along the way 

Did you say that your son stopped taking his medication?

My husband finds it very hard through these hiccups and can not cope well with changes 

I am glad you are having support too , as it is important to look after ourselves too as well as our family 

Letting you know that you are not alone 




Re: Support for Supportivemamma

@Supportivemamma they sure do - Carers Australia. Hope your Saturday is going ok. 


Hey @Shaz51 ðŸ’œ