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Re: Isolated

Hi @Steven78,

My name is Rhye and I'm one of the Peer Support Workers here in the forums, it's really nice to meet you 😊

I hear you when it comes to living with a complex mental health issue and feeling like there isn't any help out there. It took me a lot of work searching (and many years) before I found the right help for me. Just as some background, the peer workers here in the Forums all have a lived experience of complex mental health too.

When I first started in the Forums I was reluctant to share my personal journey (even though it was my job to do that!) and over time I came to find that this was a safe place to share. That said, it's different for everyone – some people are just happy to read along, and that's okay too.

I hope it's okay to ask, but I was wondering what brought you to the SANE forums? Some of our members find us with a Google search, others are referred by a counsellor etc, and we all have our own background story to what we might be looking for when joining such a community 😊

Look forward to hearing from you.


Re: Isolated

I think that's a major part of the problem when looking for help is that people want to focus on the depression not the underlying causes, there is no help available for someone like me . I had not one person who cares about me hence I tried reaching out once again .. I'm really uncomfortable talking in a forum , I prefer to actually talk and talk to just one person. It's pointless talking in a forum situation as it's counterproductive to me !
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Re: Isolated

I get that @Steven78, it makes sense. Please feel free to drop by and make the most of the forums, or dip back out again as your needs for connection ebb and flow. There are also some social spaces which can be fun (because it's not always about "fixing" things).

We'd love to find out more about you, as we do with all our community members, so if you're ever keen to chat please don't hesitate to reach out. In the meantime I hope you're having a decent afternoon.

Re: Isolated

Thanks but this is definitely not helping me ( the opposite actually,but maybe that's for a reason as I've run out of options now ).

Yeah would've like to have had one person to connect with ,would've changed things alot for me but not to be.

Good luck with your future endeavors
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Re: Isolated

Thank you @Steven78, appreciate your well wishes and consideration for what is best for your recovery journey. In the interest of supporting your views around engaging in an online community, just wanted to let you know that you can always request to close your account by reaching out at

We trust that you are your own best advocate and respect your decision to seek help that is appropriate for you. If you ever feel you need assistance to seek that support please feel free to call our counselling service on 1800 187 263 10am-10pm Mon-Fri.

In the event that you're in crisis please don't hesitate to reach out to one of the following 24hr support services:

Triple Zero: 000
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Suicide Callback Service: 1300 659 467

Go well @Steven78,



Re: Isolated

Yeah those organizations can't help me ! Thanks

Re: Isolated

Hello @Steven78 


I also am a one to one person rather than a group person.


I personally see this as being a part of who I am and definitely how I have survived my whole life.


I am also very private and due to life trust few people.


The majority of society is too quick at judging people or in many situations; just not allowing time to listen.


I am here to listen if you are about.

You can talk to me about whatever you feel safe to talk about.

I will respond keeping myself safe; as will you; at the same time.


An offer to listen which should you choose not to accept or even reply to; I will understand also. I will not be offended.

I respect your wishes.

I also respect the fact that it is very hard to write on the forum in the first place.

I have been on here on and off for several years now and still feel anxious.




You can alert me to a response should you do so by typing @Sophia1 

then I will know.





Re: Isolated

Thanks but extremely uncomfortable with the format . There's no one person to talk to and this is counterproductive unfortunately . I honestly have no where to turn to . Story of my life . I'm seriously over it

Re: Isolated

I wish that were true . unfortunately it isn't.

Re: Isolated

Hello @Steven78 


Thank you for responding.

Much appreciated.


I am not sure whether or not you want a reply.


I isolate more often than not.

I am trying to work at not doing this.


I do not think that there is one answer.


I get not wanting to talk to more than one person.


I type  @Steven78 then I am just talking to you.

If you type @Sophia1 , you will be just talking to me.


You do not have to talk about yourself. You can be here because you want someone to listen to you.

Read your thoughts about anything.

If you are similar to me you want to feel heard and valued.

That is a human need.


No need to reply to me if this is not what you want.

I do not want to upset you or make you feel worse.

It takes courage to write on the forums.

