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Re: My Mosaic

Good afternoon @Bow 

Hoping today is going ok for you and you are able to do some art.

Sending lots of love and cuddles 💗💗

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Snowie  thanks for always stopping by. I always appreciate your kind words and support. 
I’ve really struggled today. My thoughts are not good and I am in a lot of pain. 
I have done a little bit of painting, but not as much as I needed to 😩 


how has your day been?

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow you are super important to me hon. I will always stop by, you are defiantly worth it.

I'm sorry to hear you are struggling and it has been a difficult day.


It sounds like your pain is hard to deal with. Can you take something for it or is it not that type of pain? I'm sorry about your thoughts too. I know how hard they can be to deal with.

Somedays can be such a struggle. Perhaps think of it as at least you got something done. It may not have been as much as you want, but it is better than none at all.

Have you got any plans for the rest of the day/night? I am around if you need some company.


I had ECT this morning, so home just resting now. Just spoke to the pdoc and he has booked me in again for four weeks time. Hopefully it helps keep me out of hospital this time.


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Snowie  hon, you are important to me too. Sometimes it’s sucks that it’s all online. 

yeah I’m not sure if pain killers will help, I guess I could try. I’ve always wondered how pain killers know where you pain is?? Like how do they know where to target what they do?? 

yeah I guess I’ve managed to get some of it done. It’s hard when I don’t have much motivation to do this painting. I have other art stuff I really wanna do. I did do a little bit this arvo. 

Don’t really have any plans. We put a movie on, but D has gone back to her room already. 
trying to think what we can do tomorrow. I want to try and do something with her. Otherwise we get to Sunday night and I feel guilty. We may do market Sunday, depending on the weather. 

does ECT wipe you out for the day? I remember when I had it last year I was mostly fine to continue on with my day. We’re all different though. It would be a good excuse to rest though. Rest is so important. Do you have weekend plans??

Re: My Mosaic

It does suck that it is online sometimes @Bow IRL I actually have no real friends. No one that I get together with, or go out with, or would sit down and talk with. The only people I associate with is hubby's friends. 


I have often wondered that about pain killers too. I'm no doctor but maybe they might be able to help, especially if the pain is getting to the unbearable stage.


It is hard to find the motivation at times to do things, especially when all we want to do is curl up and do nothing. Sometimes doing something when you feel like this, is a huge achievement hon. Something you should be really proud of.


It's hard sometimes to fill in the weekends, especially when all we want to do is stay at home. Please remember that quiet weekends are ok to have too hon. That not every weekend needs to be filled. Sometimes just spending time together at home is enough. 

Does D normally come to the market with you?


I normally bounce back ok after ECT. I am lucky that I rarely get any side effects. I am a bit tired but I think that is more to do with waking up extremely early than the ECT itself. 


Haven't really got any plans for the weekend. D is working most of the time and S is working all day Sunday. I do need to take him for a haircut tomorrow however.


Is tonight a movie night? Are there any shows on tv that you like watching?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I’m sorry you don’t have any friends @Snowie makes me sad cause you’re such a lovely person. I’d sit down and have a cuppa with ya any day. 
in saying that, I don’t have many friends. I have church people. But I have no real contact with any one outside of church. I have my old pastors/ best friend/ second family. But they travel so much now so they ain’t around much. AND, they are moving in the near future closer to the city, so I won’t see them much then. I’m fairly sad about that. 

I should go take some pain killers and see if they help. Pain is pretty bad at the moment. It’s my own fault though. Consequence of an ED behaviour 😩


Yeah motivation is hard. Curling up in bed feels like the best option at times. Other times I am in the mood to do art and will spend hours. But that doesn’t happen much. I need to get some work done though. Got some big markets coming up that I want to build up my stock for. 

I like to at least take daughter out for morning tea of a weekend. And yes she comes to market. She likes it cause she gets to sit and use my iPad for the whole time! I wonder if I can somehow take my painting along!??


im glad you bounce back quickly from ECT. I really hope the ongoing maintenance ECT helps you hon. 

we usually put a movie on when we get take out on Friday nights. But D goes once she has finished eating, unless it’s a good movie she likes, which isn’t very often. So mum and I usually end up changing the movie. We are onto movie 2 now.