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Casual Contributor

Hi From Adelaide

Hi, I am J… I am 57 years old, been married 35 years, two Children in their thirties, one Grandson and one on the way.


I am diagnosed Bi-Polar, Schizoaffective Disorders for some time now. My wife is my ‘Carer.’

I rely on my medication to keep me stable. I would rather have quality over quantity of life. Have tried to go without medication; weaning myself off them. It was the worst thing to do-mania is not good! Currently, I am the best I have ever been in over twenty something years.


I keep check on the voices I hear, the constant dialogue is moderated and filtered; anything outside of the scope of my internal chatterbox is accepted or quashed. Anything disturbing is brought out into the open and dealt with then: either by my wife or supports that I have in place.


I am glad to be here. Currently I am receiving help from SANE, my counselor is helping me through my time of need, working towards healthy thoughts and goals. Thankyou.


Re: Hi From Adelaide

Hello @MountainMan, welcome to the sane forums! I am glad you are here too.


I have bipolar disorder and also rely on my medication to keep mania at bay, I also learned the hard way about trying to cut down or go med free, it is definitely worth the peace and as you say quality over quantity.


I'm so glad to hear you have a supportive wife and are feeling the best you have in years, good on you for working hard towards your wellness, and also for joining the sane family 🤗 


So nice to meet you, look forward to seeing you around!

Re: Hi From Adelaide

Thankyou. I am glad you said hello. Being in this place (sane) brings peace already. Forums are scary for me-what if i say the wrong thing or someone has a go at me. sometimes it may take a day or a few days to respond to a post as i have to keep re-reading what i write.


I look forward to chatting with you too @MermaidHair .

Re: Hi From Adelaide

@MountainMan   welcome to the forums.  i also have schizoaffective disorder.  i hang out on the music forum you are most welcome to join is there. I will tag you. greenpea

Re: Hi From Adelaide

Hi @MountainMan 


Welcome to the SANE forums. Its great to have you here and for you to have shared some of your experiences.


It sounds like you have a great support system in place with your wife and counselor, and that your medication is really helping you to enjoy life. I totally agree with quality over quantity!


You mentioned that forums are a scary place for you - well done on stepping out of your comfort zone.I can absolutely relate to how you feel about writing posts and replying to people... I always read over everything a few times before I post.  But don't stress too much.  Our community is very understanding and supportive, and there are moderators that can step in if required too.  If you check out the community guidelines and info page there is more information there that will hopefully make you feel a bit more comfortable.  Here's the link to the page if you are interested 🙂 -


I look forward to chatting with you more in the future


Warm regards




Re: Hi From Adelaide

Hello @MountainMan welcome to the SANE forum! Nice to have you here. Thank you for sharing your story. It's good to hear you are working towards your goals with your counsellor.

I look forward to hearing about your progress, wishing you lots of happiness, take care.