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Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

@Appleblossom @Dimity @Mazarita 


Lovely thoughts @Appleblossom and thank you so much for your reply.


With Best Wishes


Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

@Mazarita @Appleblossom @HenryX 

Hi @Mazarita Just wondering how you started and sustained your seven year recovery.? Courage and determination yes, but was there a lightbulb moment in treatment or support that tipped the balance for you? Maybe pushing through the depression and pain  wasn't one decision but many, renewed daily, like the walking, one foot in front of the other. Keeping going, following through, seems the key but it's out of reach while we're still depressed. I'd love to hear more of your story. 

Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

Hi @Dimity, thanks for your interest in my ongoing recovery process. I sometimes see humour in the word rehabilitation as it applies to me. When I've talked about the subject with friends, I tell them there has never been a time when I felt 'habilitated' in the first place. 


My inconsistent, up and down, recovery over the past seven years or so has been a slow ongoing process, with setbacks all along the way, slumps into old habits for a while, then a bit better again at doing small things and moving forward a bit, never regular (any kind of routine seems like climbing Mount Everest for me). One hypomanic kind of year, more like a consuming obsession with computer projects, followed by six months complete crash again. As you read earlier, I'm slowly rising out of that now.


The forum helped me a great deal right from the first post here in 2005. The responses helped me take the first step towards finding a good psychiatrist, not one who had me feeling worse when I left the office. Still with that new psychiatrist now and feel well treated by him. Ongoing encouragement and sharing of struggles with others here over the years have helped a lot as well.


The psychiatrist connected me to a scheme that gave me a support worker for two hours every couple of weeks between 2015-17, who will be with me again with NDIS now, starting tomorrow. She was one of the biggest helps of all.


Of course I myself had to take the steps. In this regard there was one odd thing that I feel may have been helpful in my own mind, and I hope will be again in my current recovery period. I started noticing that there were moments in which I had a flicker of an impulse to do something instead of remaining in near-immobility. I called them 'windows of opportunity'.


I saw at those tiny moments I had a choice to either fall back into the easier habitual heaviness and immobility, or blow gently on the ember of that tiny impulse and explore taking a tiny step towards doing something. It seems to me I started to act more often at these tiny moments, more and more as time went by and taking tiny steps became more habitual. 


The other thing I realised is that small improvements are worthwhile, even if anything like a cure seems very far in the impossible distance. I know now that small expansive moments over time add up to feeling better and finding more to enjoy. So yes, tiny steps again and again. I get knocked down. When I can, I get up again.

Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

Dear @Mazarita 

Thankyou, I  really appreciate your insights. Those windows of opportunity deserve my best efforts.. and I won't worry so much about setbacks. Feedback and support from a helper/mentor must help too, I'm glad you'll have that. I'm self-funded after early retirement so muddling along by myself. 

I hope @HenryX finds these comments helpful too - I'm conscious this is his thread! @HenryX do you have a local Men's Shed or similar?



Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

Hi @HenryX, great to hear you are able to ride a bicycle. Riding with a friend is enjoyable, as well as for support if needed. I get coccyx pain from a rollerblading fall decades ago so riding bicycles is a thing of the past for me. I may do some hydrotherapy before long, good exercise and gentle on the joints.


Good to hear you have a long established relationship with a doctor. I have been with my GP for over 10 years. A close friend at a distance lives in the country and finds it hard to access good healthcare, so I understand your decision to drive two hours to get there.


I live in a large regional city. It's a sub-tropical climate here. I find the summers too hot and humid but the rest of the year the climate is wonderful. In this region where I've lived for 19 years, I have received the best healthcare of my life, even more so than when I lived in Melbourne.


I do not drive now though I still have a licence. The main reason is I just find the speed of traffic too much, too stressful, though I used to be a confident and good driver when younger. Driving on psych medications gives me concern as well. Another big reason to not have a car is just the costs of running one.


Your desire to improve your own efforts in recovery are admirable. I generally have a similar upward facing idea.


But there have been many times in my life when it has clearly been beyond me to dig myself out of deep holes, evidenced by my good intentions not resulting in tangible action over long periods. Then I disapprove of myself and self esteem takes a dive. Mental health and other assistance have helped me improve my capacities.


I like your 'leg work' joke, hehe. I too consider myself retired. What a great asset being a glass half full kind of person. As I said in another of our forum exchanges, I practice a small moment of daily gratitude and have found it has improved my feelings about my life.

Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

@Appleblossom @Dimity @Mazarita and any other people who may read this thread


Hi Apple, Dimity and Mazarita,


Thank you for your responses and comments on this thread. I acknowledge possible concerns about discussion here as well. On the thread started by Peta1, on which there was also discussion with Erin86, I was likewise concerned. However, Peta1 was happy for the discussion to continue. Likewise, I am pleased if a thread that I have started allows for the exchange of ideas that provides a link for discussion and assistance by and for any other people. The beauty of being an open forum is that anyone can participate anywhere. My response comment to @thelorax on her thread:

"Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn .." on 19 Mar 2021 12:53 PM indicates my thoughts.


Sorry I've been out of the picture since Sunday's Storm. Just organised a generator this afternoon.

I can now run my fridge, a lamp or two, computer and charge-up torches and batteries for a drill.

On the "climate Disasters ---- Cyclones" page I've put in some details of what has been happening in the town in which I live, during and since the storm (cyclone) which was category 3 at the coast and cat'y 2 when it arrived here. It is the worst that I can remember having experienced in my life.


Till Tomorrow, (later today)

My Best Wishes


Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

Glad to see you I was wondering if you were alright. @HenryX 

Smiley Happy

Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

@Appleblossom @Mazarita @Dimity 


Thanks Apple,


We had about an hour or so of Mob phone coverage this morning and "No Service" since then. During the first couple of days, I had no way of even phoning or contacting my brother in Perth to let him know that I was ok.


I'm fortunate to have a generator, giving me power for the fridge, computer and satellite internet. Kirra (dog) and I came through without too many scars. Only relatively minor building damage, in comparison to that suffered by many people.


It is good to be able to "talk" with everyone on the forums again. It is interesting how the connections are so reassuring. Any people here, who can, are probably going to Perth, outside the areas most affected.


One thing for which we can express gratitude is that the weather is sunny, although it's getting colder. Even the cold is relative, with temperatures ranging here, from 11 deg to 28 deg in the coming week. So it is a long way from freezing.


For now,

Best Wishes,


Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

Hi @HenryX 

I'm relieved you and Kirra are uninjured and your home is basically intact. I hope your roof can be weatherproofed with tarps. Hopefully the generator will see you through until power is restored but I imagine the amount of power is still quite limiting. Communication without mobile phone or TV news bulletins limiting also but it's so important to stay connected.  I hope you have enough bandwidth to stream radio and TV. I don't have TV but recently bought a tablet and enjoy ABC iView, SBS On Demand and ABC and BBC radio offerings through NBN. Spotify is good as well.

I trust community food and fuel supplies aren't impacted by the power outage and the town can get the tradespeople it needs without too much delay. Trying to maintain normal routines also.

Wishing you solace, respite, humour and inspiration in coming days


Re: Recovery of capacity and function after treatment & inactivity

@Dimity @Appleblossom @Mazarita @Smc @Anastasia

And Everyone Else

Hi Dimity,


Thank you, and everyone else on the SANE site for the messages of support and encouragement following the storm. It is heartening to know that people in other areas are keen to support in any way and whatever way that they can. Encouragement is a big part of how we individually and collectively come through these “acute” events. And all the while, continuing to deal with the other issues and difficulties that we face on a day-to-day basis.


I am conscious, as I read through my recent posts that there are people whose names I have overlooked, and some thoughts seem a bit scattered. However, my appreciation is to everyone. Today, when speaking with a friend, they commented that I looked a bit ragged. Indeed, that is how I was/am feeling. The usual adrenaline gets you through the first few days, then the slump. So, tonight, as I'm going off to sleep, I'll be projecting myself into what needs doing tomorrow. See if I can pick up a bit of momentum again.


The roof iron can be replaced temporarily. I can staple/strap some heavy-duty tarp between the underneath of the roof rafters to drain any water ingress to the external wall area, if it looks to be necessary. That can be safely done from inside the roof space.

No live power risk – no live power!!


I don't use a lot of power and cold showers are bracing and give a kick of endorphins. Consequently, the use of the generator, only as required, and keeping batteries charged, should see me through. I've got battery-powered tools for what I need to do – roof, fence, etc. The outside power line holding connection on the house, from the street pole, requires replacing before I will be able to use street power. I will have to contact Western Power for that.


I've not used the internet for news apart from short you-tube videos on specific topics of interest. So will have to explore those options and resources. Though, if I'm fair dinkum about getting work done, I don't think that I'll be watching much TV.


Because we are referred to as “end of line”, by Western Power, we have, until the last couple of years, had fairly regular power outages. There is only one line into town – if that goes, there is no alternative line through which to feed power to the town. As a result, the local fuel station and grocery store, and a couple of others have their own generators. So, as long as market supplies can be delivered to the town, we will be okay with regard to consumables.


Time for an early night to recharge my internal “batteries”.


Thank you, everyone, for your consideration, thoughts, and prayers



With My Best Wishes,
