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Re: Self care by growing a garden


Re: Self care by growing a garden

getting me inspierd with the gardening.-- Me too @Determined xx

told mum this morning and she is sooo happy and it is raining xx

@Darcy @Smc  @Appleblossom @CherryBomb, @Faith-and-Hope, @PeppiPatty

The house I inherited from my dad is also my childhood home where i grew up until i was 12


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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Lot of memories there @Shaz51?

In a previous house I planted one section of the garden with favorite plants that my family members particularly like or remembered enjoying in their childhood. Climate not suitable for some. Am thinking I have a spot free where this exercise could be repeated and perhaps a bit more successfully.


Re: Self care by growing a garden

Good and Bad Memories @Former-MemberHeartHeart

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Oh @Shaz51 ... 😒

My mind on a completely different trail, was thinking of gerbera, hibiscus, snapdragons and Rosella jelly from the garden of my childhood, of snowball trees and fragrant red roses ....


Re: Self care by growing a garden

Ohh yes @Former-Member

we have red and orange gerbera, hibiscus too

and Bancok roses , ground lilies andthere are others that I can not remember their names

Re: Self care by growing a garden

I had a big "first post" about my garden go missing in action a few days ago... just discovered that it reappeared. Goolgefusion... Means everyone got two cute pics of the wallaby instead of one. πŸ˜„

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

A double blessing @Smc
How are you going?

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Not too bad today. Some of the rain finally found our area, so I had an inside day doing some overdue housework. Made some progress, lots more to do. How has your day been?
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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Had a fairly busy day @Smc
Had work either side of an eye specialist appointment for hubby.
Late showers here. Probably won't get to do anything in the garden until the weekend.