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Managing thoughts of suicide & self-harm

Senior Contributor

not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

so about 7 weeks ago i attempted suicide i tried to talk to my case manager, he hung up on me, i called life line they told me to use the strength i used to call them to get through the night, i told my psychologist but she is not a crisis support. anyway in the end i gave up on trying to get help and made the attempt. while i was waiting for it to do its thing i accidentally called a family member i hung up and went to text them to apologise for my mistake call but then they called back and i answered to tell them it was a mistake and they must have know something was up because they called the police and the police showed up and i dont remember much after that except waking up in hospital. then they were going to admit me but there were no beds in the entire state so instead i ended up at step up step down and was there for 6 and a half weeks i still dont feel completely back to normal and i am still struggling with everything but yeah that is where i have been. 


and now i am trying to pick up the pieces and i am really having a hard time i just want to sleep all day and idk i just everything is hard idk what i am even trying to say anymore i just wish things were better. and sorry i havent been around much or been able to support others much i am hoping one day i can get back to helping others on here more just right now i am kind of drowning myself. 


Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

Hey Eden
I wish I had words to less your pain - but all I can say is I can relate - and I am thinking of you

Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

@Eden1919  Nothing wrong with sleeping. Brain 🧠 needs it.

Be kind to yourself. It’s your first time doing life. 
Good on you for getting this far and telling your truth.

If you brush your teeth 🪥 and have shower 🚿 I’ll cheer you on.

No joke because I wish someone would do it for me, because coping with life can be hard.

I proud of you. Well done.


Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

Hey @Eden1919 


I'm glad you made it through that dark night. Good on you for coming here to get your feelings out. Keep talking and we will keep listening. 

Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

Hello @Eden1919 and hugs. So glad to have you back with us. 

You might not feel back to normal yet but sometimes our normal isn't the best so I hope you feel better soon. 

Take care. 




Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

Not sure of words @Eden1919 


Tough times for you...hope sunshine ahead


Glad you came back

Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

Hi @Eden1919 ❤️

I'm really sorry to hear about everything you've been through. It sounds incredibly tough, and I'm glad you're still here.


How are you feeling today? Have you been able to find any support that's been helpful since then?


It's okay to take time for yourself and focus on your own well-being. You can't pour from an empty cup so please look after yourself first ❤️


What do you think would help you feel a bit better right now? Sitting with you


Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

Hi @Eden1919 


I just want to wrap my arms around you and give you a big virtual hug.  That poor brain of yours must be so very very tired, so if you feel like sleeping, do.  The world will still be there for you to take part in.  Are you in a safe place now, I do so hope so.   Not really sure what to say.......Asgard

Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

We care @Eden1919 .


We have missed you being on the forums. I hope things get better for you. I recognise how hard things have been for you.

Re: not sure what to call this tw (suicide)

Hi @Eden1919 

Just wanted to say I hope you're OK if you happen to drop by and see this

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