02-04-2024 11:43 PM
02-04-2024 11:43 PM
Thankyou for your lovely letter @Former-Member And I hope you are well too in your beaut new boots. Good job they fit well. I always have trouble with shoes.. Unwritten laws of fashion. Boots snug n Flanno's loose. Very hard to get a soft flanno with . . TWO.. pockets.
So, my tank water is already, every element on the periodic table. Ocean air, possum poo, a ton of leaves, from every shrub and vine imaginable, Even a carpet python lives in the always wet gutters.
So, who am I to say no to Blue Solarized water.. I cleaned the gutters a month ago and some
how earth worms have found there way up into them. It was like soft compost in them with leaves on top. Awesome hey mate. I do have town water on, but where's the fun in that. So my thinking is...
If I don't clean the gutters, I'm wondering if the worms might catch up and save me a job. Makes you think , hey.
I'm wondering if I'm seeing something the weather man missed.
We have 27 C temp ocean water of our coast and cold air racing up from the south to sit right over
that record warm bathtub out there. . . What's not to like . Our resident flock of pound puppy
clouds have all scampered to the hills at the sight of the leviathan fleet of ironclads, assembled of our coast. Weather war is imminent. A toast of my waters blue, and great big hug to you my friend
and healer.. S G, tonys..
@saturnzoon A new inspector at you door. I feel your fear mate. Nothing worse that an attitude
with a 'too tight' over ambitious, real estate blazer stretched over it.
I say . . lace the waters before the vampire's of empire's come to feast and plunder..
Make up a neat large print sign that say's . . . By order of SA health department
Highly contagious strain of covid. Quarantine zone .. do not enter.
Should buy you a couple of days at least. Mate.. all jokes aside, I really hope miracles happen
for you..
@MDT .. Mate .. you take first prize for a post.. I was reading one of your about you
"scratching your scratchies" I have heard all sorts of descriptions for various parts of our
anatomy but that is the best one an old codger like me has heard in a while..
If this was tennis, the mods would say, hopefully, this post is 'on the line'
Hope you are all doing a little work on those laugh lines in your faces, each day. tonys..
@Glisten @TAB @PeppyPatti @Shaz51 @Jynx @StuF @greenpea @scruffypuffball
@Oaktree @Emelia8 @Historylover @ENKELI ... OH well.. just everyone..
03-04-2024 03:31 AM - edited 03-04-2024 03:46 AM
03-04-2024 03:31 AM - edited 03-04-2024 03:46 AM
Oh. I thought I forgot how to reply.
I like this awesome name.... @MDT I always remember seeing Pink Floyd playing in Fremantle in Western Australia me thinks In 1986 and a pink pig flew through the air backwards. Lovely memory....
@Appleblossom @Loopy @outlander
@saturnzoon @tonys @Former-Member @Shaz51 @EternalFlower
@Adge @Former-Member
@Glisten @TAB @Bill16 @Shaz51 @Jynx @StuF @greenpea @scruffypuffball
@Oaktree @Emelia8 @Historylover @ENKELI ..
03-04-2024 07:07 AM
03-04-2024 07:07 AM
03-04-2024 10:19 AM
03-04-2024 10:34 AM
03-04-2024 10:34 AM
I’m so sorry to hear this is happening…
do you mind if I ask what state you are in please?
and my second question is, would it be ok with you if I seek out some support resources and post them here for you to look at if you’d like to?
I know we are all here to provide emotional and mental heath wellbeing support for each other, however housing risk is extremely serious and impactful on wellbeing in a multitude of ways, so I would like to go a little extra and find the services that might be able to help you - only if that is ok with you …all of my focus is on your wellbeing, and I’m very happy to be guided by your preferences 💜💜
03-04-2024 11:03 AM
03-04-2024 11:03 AM
I remember that tour @PeppyPatti - was the Sydney concert that I saw pictures of… the family elders brought back a sneaked in camera and after they got the film developed we all got to see the giant pink pig! 🌺
03-04-2024 11:13 AM
03-04-2024 11:13 AM
Yes, more nervous than anything tho @Former-Member thanks
03-04-2024 11:27 AM
03-04-2024 11:27 AM
Yeah - I can relate to those nerves, having formerly taught class before myself 🙂🌺
you’ve done a wonderful thing.. giving real insight, capturing the attention of the people listening with imparting deep understanding, and facilitating people joining the dots of learning is a gift you’ve given to them - I’m super happy for you @TAB 😀🌺💜
03-04-2024 11:34 AM
03-04-2024 11:34 AM
Well that was the idea anyway @Former-Member fellow students and trainer made up class of 14. Trainer chased me up after and said I did a good job. I winged basically. Told someone i was nervous the whole time. They said couldn't tell.i was prob a bit OTT at times too.
Did main thing though. I Engaged them. And they were interested !
03-04-2024 11:53 AM
03-04-2024 11:53 AM
That’s great! Having the trainer and students commenting on how well you went is so awesome 😀
I’m really happy for you ☺️🌺
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