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Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Cant even keep up with  current posts,   Let alone dig over old  old graveyards. @Oaktree .


Guess its up to @Sophia1    as well,  Diving on sunken war  graves.   need a permission slip 

from Ma      T2guns


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

I am in a very difficult position now @Oaktree @tonys 


This thread was invaded by a narcissistic toll who preyed on me and got away with it.

He was so clever and only one other person noticed as they had received some of the treatment separately.


The post in question was pulled down the next morning and as usual appears innocent to everyone else.

I read it though and reported it.

I wrote on the admin thread and then had the main part removed just remnants remain


This horrible person then persisted cleverly disguising a new story about the two black cats and locking one up.

It is still on here.

It would come across as a clever story as the other post is not visible.

However reading it again after all this time I was left feeling exactly the same.

My skin crawled.


I can't believe this I felt excited returning here because I love the story telling.

Then when I got here it is almost like for me it is haunted.


Sorry folks


Tonys I know that you understand this.


Anyone is welcome to write on here.

I cannot it haunts me coming back.

I have had to deal with three narcissistic people in my real life.

They hide their tracks from others so well.


Meggle I was not upset with you, I recognised that you felt hurt and gave you space safe with Henry X.



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Ok @Sophia1 


I respect your decision, i just reread the first 4 pages of this thread and it was so delightful. I had intended to reread through so I could be reminded of what went wrong but perhaps it’s best left in the past. Sorry to remind you of a path you don’t want to tread! 

Permission Denied!


Return to introduction!



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Totally I get it.      @Sophia1                                                                     Pre-empted even..    You probly saw my diving on war graves post.

So your not in a tuff spot.   We get it,  and one more thread for me.  Well I'll get even more lost.

Think we can tell any story we like in toon town,    So  Meggle. Dig deep for a good yarn.

Mind you ,   if someone posts me from anywhere I'll always write back if I see it.

I had left over roast and a garlic damper.  What  prey did you two bring down on the plains.

and what are they feeding you  LeChuck.  If your private,  hopefully the tucker is acceptable.


Getting old,  yawning,  might be a snooze coming on. . . Keep warm. . T 2guns.

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Sorry ,  wrote to @Oaktree    @LeChuck   in last post and forgot to tag you.   Tired.

Nite folks .   sweet dreams.     tonys.

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

just posting here so I can find it again easily

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

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