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Bad day

Ok so I had a stupidly stressful day. Now I’m trying to unwind from it. If I don’t it may bleed into the night and that’s the last thing I need.

I have exercised, meditated and soon will journal. I have a gp appointment tomorrow to get a care plan to see a psychologist but tbh I know this is a stressor as well…asking for  help. 

I would appreciate some kind words and advice thanks in advance 


Peer Support Worker

Re: Bad day

Totally get you @Me73 it is really hard to be vulnerable!! Takes courage to do so, but I reckon you will be just fine - I believe in you! I always find it helpful to write stuff down before big/scary appts - some dot points or even word for word. It feels a lot easier to rattle off something pre-written than to try to find the words in the moment. Do you think that could be helpful? 

Re: Bad day

Yes I think it will be. I’ll do that after an extensive journal/dump session 😬



Re: Bad day

Hi. I know the feeling. You have done everything right but it still hurts.

Re: Bad day

Hey there @Me73,


I'm really glad to hear you're doing that for yourself tomorrow, that's awesome! Things like doctors appointments and the like can be stressful and anxiety inducing at the best of times so try not to be too hard on yourself (i know easier said than done).


My mantra for the past few weeks when really anxious or struggling has been "this is fine". I say it either out loud or in my head (depending on if people are around 😆) and I find it really soothing! You could try this or another one but make it something kind or reassuring. Let me know if you need some ideas.


You've got this, let us know how you go

Re: Bad day

Thx for your responses everyone. It is nice not to feel so alone. I will try and I will let you know how I go 👍

Re: Bad day

Hey @Me73 thank you so much for reaching out.

Have you managed to unwind at all?

It's great to hear you've employed so many coping strategies. I want to commend you on how introspective that is, and how well you've practiced self-kindness.

Appointments can be so pathologising, and its totally understandable that you feel stressed by this. I have often felt scared about beginning or re-starting a new care journey as building rapport with medical and mental health professionals can feel quite daunting and I have in the past feared judgement. May I ask what you are feeling around the appointment?

I have sometimes managed the fear of meeting professionals by having a support person present, at least until I am more comfortable. Is this a possibility for you right now?

Sending love, and reminding you that you are beautiful and worthy and deserving of happiness and a lack of stress in your life ❤️

Re: Bad day

@Xibon thanks for your response concern and support. I am eager to get the professional help but it is also daunted. 

I have a sense of shame of not being able to cope on my own. I judge myself and so expect the same from others. I know there’s no reason to feel shame but still do. I would not judge anyone as harshly as I judge myself.


These thoughts also lead me to not wanting to have a support person with me. I rarely let others in to help me. 

I am feeling better after all the self care. Unwound quite a bit. I have practiced the skills now I just need a little outside help to progress further 



Re: Bad day

@Me73 it is my pleasure and I have gratitude for the privilege to support you 😊

I understand. While we can tell our conscious selves the logical truth that people around us love and respect us, the gnawing feeling of subconscious inadequacy is hard to discard. I'm so sorry this makes it hard to let people help. Because you do deserve it, you are not a burden or nuisance, and are worthy of support and kindness 🌻

I'm very happy to hear you are feeling a little better. What do you feel would help you progress further at this stage?

Re: Bad day

My mental health plan will allow me to see a psychologist . Hopefully she will help me work on resilience and sleep issues which are a definite trigger for me. 

time will tell