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Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Shaz51 feeling super agitated and uncomfortable in my body 😢. I hope you are doing better

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Hi just want you to know I have transgenerational trauma and cptsd.  I am with you in the memory challenge.  With you in spirit.

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Sitting with you too @creative_writer - here with @Shaz51

I also second what @tyme asked earlier.. I am also familiar with the feeling that I am annoying others, and have been personally able to identify how that came about for me. For me, from childhood, my needs did not matter, so now as an adult, through a lot of therapy and an overhaul of my life, I aim to give myself that voice and prioritise my needs. I matter, I am worthy, just like you matter, and you are worthy too @creative_writer

What's on your mind right now?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Hi @Radarears it’s nice to meet you. CPTSD and generational is tough. Sending you hugs 💖🫂

@PizzaMondo it’s hard putting your needs first when you’ve grown up otherwise.

I just have a lot of pent up energy, racing thoughts and have had SI and intrusive thoughts of trauma entering my brain. I’m safe but I feel very unsettled. I feel all of these emotions crawling deep inside me, I just want to scream.

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Hey @creative_writer sorry to hear that your emotions are kicking up such a storm inside at the moment. Here for you hun - would a discussion about your feelings help? Or maybe a distraction from them?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets


Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I feel fed up, I want it over with but I know I can’t just give in. I had a shower, it distracted me for a bit.

@Radarears I hope you are doing okay 💖

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Showers are one of my favs @creative_writer I like to imagine all the woes of my day being scrubbed away. 


Got much on tonight? Gotta do some study or anything?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I ought to study but the thoughts are still loud 😞. Probably will have dinner soon. Do you have much planned for tonight?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Aye could be very distracting @creative_writer... or perhaps the study could distract from the thoughts? Always a roll of the dice haha. 


Not much, I will see if I have energy to head to the shops after I finish, I wanna get ingrdients for my next meal prep. Annnd I got way too many dishes piled up to get to as well lol.