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Out of control

Pretty much the title. I have been under a lot of stress for a couple weeks. There was a bad breakup to a friendship. I'm trying to study, etc. Just stuff really. Emotionally I had a little bit of a forest fire going a week ago. Then I did something which I hadn't done in years...which is about 4 or 5 days I layed my hands on a packet of stimulants and I downed the month's supply in the last 4 or 5 days. So now I am going on a week with no sleep and what was a forest fire is now a raging inferno. I am spinning between ok, paranoid and suicidal. I need off the roller coaster ride. I'm trying to come up with a plan but my thinking is not as clear as it could be. So far I have something like: dig through my medicine cupboard for antipsychotics and hope they knock me out. Which might be ok for a night but I have gotten behind with my study. I have something like 4 assignments due in the next 9 days. So I don't really know what I am going to do. I pretty much need to come up with a plan that involves being ok now.

Peer Support Worker

Re: Out of control

Hey @FridgeMagnet I am sorry to hear you're fighting such a huge fire at the moment! It sounds like your whole system would be completely outta whack. I reckon sleep might need to take priority? I know for myself, when I'm tired I literally cannot function - so like making a decision about how to tackle the assignments and stuff would be a LOT easier to do when you've given your brain some time to rest and reset. Could you get some extensions for any of the assignments? 


It sounds like things have become very overwhelming, do you have some mental health support? Could always see if the uni offers some counselling sessions or something? 


And please also remember that you can always contact a crisis service if things feel like they're spiralling further: 

Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Crisis Chat 

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 or online counselling 

Samaritans: 135 247 

If in immediate danger: 000 


What do you think your next step will be?

Re: Out of control

Thanks. Yeah...I need to try and sleep. I will see if I can find any antipsychotics. I might be able to get an extension.

Re: Out of control

@FridgeMagnet fingers crossed it isn't too tricky to get an extension sorted 🤞


One step at a time hun, esp whilst so exhausted. I hope sleep finds you swiftly and you feel clearer when you wake 💜

Re: Out of control

Hi @FridgeMagnet  sometimes life makes harder to check that you are strong and make you strong. There are ups and down. You seems like a person who has aims and targets. still in your words say that IM TRYING TO STUDY. see you have the courage. lets not simple things make you worry. Take a good rest. Focus on studies. I'm sure even you can complete few assignments before the end day. Friends may stay , friends may leave in life. But you have to move forward as a strong person. Holding hand with you❤️

Re: Out of control

Thanks @Tilz