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Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity I'm sad to hear that family members have been putting pressure on you. 😣 You put plenty of pressure on yourself, so don't need that! 


I'm pretty attached to the outdoor furniture. There's a couch I like to sit on that gets the sun, plus a dining table and chairs that I use throughout the year for sorting and doing things on like building the shelves this morning. 


Am so pleased your eyesight has was a very brave thing that you did, going ahead with the surgery. 

Re: Winter solstice

How is everyone this day @Dimity @NatureLover @Shaz51 @Stout @Appleblossom ?


How are you all feeling?


As miserable as it looks for me outside my window (cold, rainy, dark), I'm grateful to be shut in with my forums family 🙂

Re: Winter solstice

Yes, I'm grateful to have a house to be in @tyme .


I'm feeling a tiny bit improved finally today - I think the new stronger antibiotics are kicking in 🙂

Re: Winter solstice

That's so great to hear @NatureLover ! 



Re: Winter solstice

I'm glad you have a sunny nook @NatureLover - weather permitting.  

Yes it's cold @tyme . Gentle rain here which I don't mind too much.

The cat came home from the cattery yesterday and is making loud demands at times but I'm glad of his company - and the forums.

Re: Winter solstice

Thank you, @tyme and @Dimity 🙂


I'm glad you have your cat back, @Dimity 👍

Re: Winter solstice

Believe it or not, I'm starting to grow fond on cats. @NatureLover @Dimity . I actually never liked cats. But I'm beginning to see what great company they can be.


I'm glad you got your cat friend back  @Dimity 

Re: Winter solstice

Yes they're company @tyme and the responsibility/accountability is probably good too. I'm a bit nervous of dogs but many people prefer dogs. 

Re: Winter solstice

@Appleblossom , @Stout , @NatureLover , @tyme , @Dimity , @Oaktree  @Jynx 


Good trip to the city and back 


Saw the bike riders riding for childhood Cancer today 


Rain here , showers so watched 2 movies 

And had savoury mince on toast for dinner 🍽 

Re: Winter solstice

For just a brief moment there @Shaz51 I thought you'd said you had savoury MICE on toast for dinner!! 



