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Re: Winter solstice

Doing a bit of exercise every day is the best @Shaz51 so well done on the bike and gardening. I hope your specialist can work out what's happening with the insulin.

I've been grumpy and miserable @Jynx but felt better after a walk. 

Today I forced myself to read the details re a choice of surgeries - not happy reading and a difficult decision that will have to be made by next week. I've procrastinated for weeks as it's seemed too hard, but I'm seeing the specialist again and she'll need an answer. I'm resisting passive SI. 

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity aww hun! Some huggles for you: 🫂🫂🫂 Glad the walk helped 😊


Ach yeah that would be super confronting! Not surprised some SI has crept up on you, are you managing ok? That would be such a tough choice, and big kudos to you for pushing through to do some reading. 


If you're up for it, we've got a lighter topic for PGC this week (The Importance of Play) that could help provide a nice distraction?


Sending love 💜

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @Jynx I'm holding on.

Wish I could join the PGC but I have trouble with Chatwee on my phone... hope it's fun

Re: Winter solstice

Sitting with you @Dimity ❤️

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @Shaz51 . I was just starting to think about cooking when the cat jumped on my lap so it's cuddle time instead.

Re: Winter solstice

Oh blast, that sucks @Dimity! I suppose you've tried troubleshooting already? 

Re: Winter solstice

Cats are amazing @Dimity .  Quite often they sense when we are not feeling 100% or are struggling to deal with things.  My 2 cats have been begging to be on my knees majority of the day.


Im lucky, my opthamologist works in a private hospital.

Re: Winter solstice

A light and cheerful book sounds good, @Dimity 🙂 Have you tried the new light yet? 


One problem I found with researching NBN plans recently is that low bandwith usage wasn't taken into account. Most plans are 'unlimited'. Meaning you pay more but don't use it all. 😣

Re: Winter solstice

Very sorry to hear about your passive SI @Dimity 😥


Also that you suffered some family unpleasantness when you were vulnerable, after your eye surgery 😥


Good luck with your difficult surgery decision 🤞


I'm jealous of your grapefruits. Not that I'm allowed to have grapefruit any more, due to one of my medications. 

Re: Winter solstice

Maybe it's the speed not the bandwidth I can save on @NatureLover .

I haven't unpacked the light yet. I'm not sure what's holding me back. I've been feeling very negative.