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Re: Winter solstice

My new reading light should arrive Friday  and my new glasses should be ready in a fortnight. 

Re: Winter solstice

That's great about your new strong reading light and glasses, @Dimity !


I forgot to mention, I've finally got off Telstra for my NBN. After about 6 weeks wrestling with them about it. Next step is to also switch my mobile phone provider elsewhere too. But I need to be able to sync some stuff first. 

What will you test your reading light with - what book? Or will you wait for your new glasses to arrive? 

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity   First appointment regarding my eyes went well today.  Saw opthamologist’s technician who had me look into various machines and took different readings.  She also answered some of my questions which was nice.  

appointment booked for next week to see Opthamologist and, I’m hoping, get rest of my questioned answered.  Appears I’ve also got eye strain, more questions for the specialist. I’ve booked pencilled in for surgery in early October with overstay at the hospital.


worst thing today was driving 45mins one way in fierce wind storm. Even the weeds in my backyard took a beating.  I’m looking forward to some better weather so can get rid of the weed patch and turn it back into garden  🤣 


Re: Winter solstice

That's progress @NatureLover , Telstra are much more expensive than many others. I need to revise my NBN plan as it's gone up a lot and I'm not using the bandwidth.

Hopefully the light will make the difference.  I have soooo many books to choose from but will start with something light and cheerful I think. 



Re: Winter solstice

Glad to hear you're moving ahead re eyes @Patches59. Mine was just a day procedure, no overnight stay, but I was told to stay with someone overnight.  I think I would have preferred the option of a hospital stay, especially given my anxiety over the procedure. 

The wind has been dreadful. Driving would have been difficult if you had side winds. I'm relieved there hasn't been more damage as my area was hit very hard by a squall earlier in the year.

My backyard is weedy too although I got help with most of it in the lead up to my eye op. My potted orchids are in bud. And the neighbours' nectarines have been flowering. I probably have more windfall grapefruit too.

Re: Winter solstice

Hello @Shaz51 how are you? Have your glucose readings improved with the insulin and the walking? I'm still a bit inconsistent with my exercises, I need to  persevere more.

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity   I’ve been told my procedure will be a day procedure and that I won’t be able to stay at home on my own that night.  Before I could say anything the receptionist said that the hospital has provision for people to stay overnight where needed.  When she said I’d need to see the specialist the following day, I decided to opt to stay overnight at the hospital.  Saves some one making 2 reverse trips to the hospital especially when the drive is 45mins one way.


Sewing machine, here I come.  Couple hours adding extra blockout to my drapes before spending sone time with my cats.  Both know something is happening and are clingy


Re: Winter solstice

Hello @Dimity 

My sugar readings has not improved very much , still high 

I am being inconsistent too my friend 

Yesterday I did the exercise bike for 15 minutes 

Today none so far , just some gardening this morning 

@Jynx , @tyme , @NatureLover , @Patches59 

Re: Winter solstice

Consistency is sooo hard especially with new habits hey @Shaz51 but half-consistency is better than none! 


How you going today hun? And you lovelies? @Dimity @Patches59 @NatureLover 

Re: Winter solstice

Good thinking @Patches59 . I definitely needed help after the op as my vision wasn't good enough for a few hours. I didn't have the option as it was a private day surgery centre but asked to be sent to a public hospital if things went wrong. I stayed with people I knew but there was some unpleasantness the next day so it wasn't great. 

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