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communication struggles

i really struggle with communication usually my writing is better than speaking but this is something that has been a life long struggle and is getting worse lately. and like i have a lot of trouble explaining my feelings to people and i have trouble communicating my needs as well and me not being able to do this leads to a lot of misunderstandings and wrong assumptions about me and my intentions and my needs. and i try my best but sometimes i genuinely dont think there are words to describe how i am feeling and i just idk what i am supposed to do even writing stuff is often not enough and even if it was people dont just let you write them notes all the time. but this is getting to be a big problem and idk what to do about it. 


Re: communication struggles

I can totally relate to this. I have a million thoughts and feelings inside me that take over me and I can’t say a word or explain. I’m trying to make more of an effort to write things down as I find it a bit easier to express and so I can remember otherwise I totally forget what happened. I have a social worker coming next week to have a look at me and the house to see if they can provide support because I can’t explain it 😞 I don’t like expressing or showing my emotions at the best of times because I’m embarrassed and that makes it even worse too. You’re not alone ❤️

Re: communication struggles

@Rebecca73  i am sorry you also struggle with the same thing it is really hard and explaining it to people is just so hard like i tell them i struggle with communication but then they are like but you seem to be talking fine now and it is like they just miss the point altogether. 

Re: communication struggles

Hi @Eden1919 


Like @Rebecca73 i can relate to having problems with communicating and getting thoughts and feelings across in a way that doesn't become misunderstood or misconstrued into meaning something different.  Sometimes it can be really hard to physically get the words to come out of your mouth...and when they do its a battle!


It sounds like writing things down is a better way for communicating for you, is this something you can build on?  Do you have a close friend or family member that you want to share your thoughts/feelings with, that you could explore this further with?  Can you explain to those people who you are trying to share these things with that you really struggle with communicating these things but its really important for you that you get out what you need to say and are heard and understood? Perhaps an email, chat or text message exchange might be better, or even handwritten notes both ways? 


Something that helped me in verbally communicating my feelings and needs was not having eye contact with the person I was talking to.  I found that sitting back to back or side by side helped.  As i wasn't looking at the person it became easier to say things I needed to.  If there is someone that you trust that will sit and listen with you this might be something that could help - and you could have your notes there too to help you stay on track.


Warm regards


Re: communication struggles

Hello @Eden1919 I have had a similar problem and believe based on my experience with psychiatry it can be a very suppressive profession. I felt like I lost my voice through being silenced by my clinicians and family. I'm a spiritual person and realised my throat chakra had been closed through my life experience because nobody would listen or if they did it was misconstrued. When the chakra has been closed I have been told that it can affect communication and getting your point across. After doing chakra practices I experienced an overall improvement in communication and being properly heard. I started out with what is called chakra seed sounds and then using a variety of methods to work with my chakras for optimal benefit. I read a book by a psychotherapist who ended up making chakras her life work because her clients were still having problems in their own lives and relationships under conventional treatment. She says once you work with your chakras your life begins to change. I don't know if this is consistent with your beliefs or not but I can say doing this worked for me.

Re: communication struggles

I can relate.. I communicate better through writing than I do with speaking. I find my emotions take over when I am under a bit of stress and have trouble finding my words. I tend to feel worse and punish myself later for not saying what I wanted to say and knowing that I have been misunderstood. 

I found even just writing out what I want to say but not sending it on is helpful in processing how I am feeling. 


I hope you feel better soon. I know these feelings are tough, but so are you. 



Re: communication struggles

thanks everyone i do try writing things down as much as i can but that isnt always an option anyway i will keep trying to find better ways to communicate but yeah it is a struggle.