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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

you know when

you know when you're trying to express how distressed you are about your situation, and people pay lip service to being concerned but actually they're deliberately withholding and putting it all back onto you?


isn't that sick and twisted?


Re: you know when

Sorry this has happened @f0x .


I'm open to hearing what you think will help you so that hopefully, these posts will be an encouragement to all who read it.

Re: you know when


I'm open to hearing what the people who are here to provide support have to offer to someone who is asking for it

"doctor, I have this problem"

"well, what do you think will help you?"

"sorry, which one of us has the medical degree?"

Re: you know when

Hey @f0x I really want to support ya
But I’m struggling to understand the context around your posts and what kind of help you need
I am here though

Re: you know when

Makes sense @f0x 


I'm guessing you've been to numerous docs?

Re: you know when


I've explained it in an earlier post


TW: gaslighting / manipulation

Content/trigger warning
but basically: cops have decided I should be punished for something, but instead of using proper legal process they are using covert abuse and psychological manipulation and gaslighting me that it's all in my head so that they get away with it

a major part of that abuse is to withhold genuine support so that I feel isolated and powerless, and it appears that multiple mental health support providers have been actively involved in this cruel and diabolical exercise

possibly, the objective is to make me suffer so much so that I "voluntarily" admit to some crime, so that they can get prosecute and get me off the books

that's torture by any definition

Re: you know when

@tyme I'm guessing you're missing the forest for the trees

Re: you know when

alternatively, the other objective is to force me into psychiatric treatment for "paranoia" so that they remain off the hook for their misconduct

Re: you know when

Oooo, Okay @f0x . I just 'got it' after reading your post to @ArraDreaming .


I hear how torturous your situation feels for you right now. I hear it is taking away your peace and ability to feel supported. 


In terms of what has happened, it's doesn't sound like we can 'do' anything, but I really hope you can find an avenue to support you and shine light on justice.


You don't deserve to go through this alone.


Hearing you @f0x 

Re: you know when

Hey @f0x 


Sorry to hear that abusers are trying to get away with things. Do you have anyone you feel is safe in your life? Can you reach out to them?


Hope you're ok 🩵

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