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New Contributor

New here not having a great day


I'm 53 from regional NSW. Just saying hi and see how this works 


B good

[edited by moderator]


Re: New here not having a great day

hey there @Burty007 welcome to the forums!! it's lovely to have you here 😊


sorry to hear today hasn't been off to a good start, did you want to chat more about it? we're here to listen 💙


also just wanted to let you know i've edited out your name from your post as it breached our 'staying anonymous' guideline. we avoid sharing personal information such as our names to protect our identity and keep the community safe - i know the community guidelines can be easy to miss so feel free to read out here: Guidelines and technical support - SANE Forums 

Re: New here not having a great day

Thanx heaps


Yeah I do want to talk, but not sure how if that makes sense.

Woke up this morning not sure I could face work as quite anxious, slept a little and then just stressing in my head and not able to distract myself



Re: New here not having a great day

@Burty007 hello and welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear today has been rough for you. I'm around if you would like to chat about anything. 


You are not alone here and we are here to support you ☺️.

Re: New here not having a great day

gosh work anxiety can be horrible! do you feel anxious about work regularly? or did something happen recently to cause it? @Burty007 

have there been strategies/activities that's helped you feel calm/self-soothe in the past?

Re: New here not having a great day

Hi @Burty007 


I’d also like to welcome you to the forums. Not wanting to face work because of anxiety makes complete sense. When anxiety takes over, even knowing where to start can feel overwhelming. It’s okay if you don’t have the words right now—anxiety can make it hard to think clearly. I often go blank when I’m anxious too.


You’re not alone in this, and you don’t have to figure everything out at once. If it helps, maybe start with whatever feels easiest to express, even if it’s just how you’re feeling in this moment. When I’m really distressed, I sometimes jot down my emotions in bullet points because forming full sentences feels impossible.

I’m also happy to chat. I’m still new here myself and just starting to connect with others, but I’ve found the community to be incredibly supportive.


Take care.


Snuggles 🫠


Re: New here not having a great day

Welcome @Burty007  🙂 How are you tonight?