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Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @ShiningStar - are you still here? I can't sleep. Had another stint in hospital. They said it was because I stopped my pills. Can't help but think they're poisoning me, but trying to ignore those thoughts and stay on it. 

Feel ashamed this time  because I self harmed and have scar. My friends don't hardly visit anymore which really hurts. I don't know how to tell them how I feel. I'm not sure I have anything left to offer the world anyway, or if I can find a way out of this hole this time. My support worker has cut back coming to fortnightly because of covid or something. It feels like forever between visits. And the masks makes me feel like a germ. Sorry but bit down tonight. Well, more than usual. Was hoping you're around. It's still dark but 5am so think I'll make a cup of tea. I hope my not checking back more hasn't put you off too. I really got a lot out of your last post and read it over and over. Thank you.

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @Rosemary4 


It’s so lovely to hear from you Heart


I’m so sorry for my delay in replying to you and I just ever so gently wanted to reassure you that I’m still here and that my care and concern for you remains the same Heart


Sadly, I’ve had a few unexpected events that have taken some of my time away from the forums. Please know that I will definitely touch base with you as soon as possible with a more considered response in relation to what you’ve shared with me Heart


In the meantime, please know that I’m thinking of you and sending you some very gentle and caring hugs at such a difficult time Heart


I look forward to talking with you again soon Heart


Take care of yourself,


ShiningStar Heart

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @Rosemary4 


It’s always so lovely to hear from you and I just wanted to thank you for your patience in relation to the time that it’s taken for me to be able to reach back to you Heart


As I read this part of your story, I could hear how incredibly difficult things have been for you and I’m so pleased that you were able to reach out and share some of your experiences with me Heart


Being unable to fall to sleep can be incredibly distressing and I can still remember the times in my life when sleep was virtually impossible. During these times, I felt so desperately alone and as though I was the only person in the world who was still awake. In some ways, it felt like a cruel irony as no matter how exhausted I felt and how desperately I needed and wanted to fall to sleep, I just couldn’t.


I was really interested to understand a little more about what happens for you during these times and as such, I just ever so gently wondered if you have a sense of what may be contributing to the difficulties that you’re currently experiencing in relation to your sleep?


I’m so sorry to hear that you were recently hospitalised and I can’t even begin to imagine what this experience was like for you.


I can hear how absolutely terrified you’re feeling in relation to taking the medications that have been prescribed for you and it sounds as though you’re doing everything within your power to challenge your thoughts in relation to this Heart


Continuing to take your medication despite your fears is incredibly courageous and I just ever so gently wanted to say that making the decision to suddenly stop a specific medication without medical supervision could be harmful for you and so please take care around this Heart


I’m so deeply sorry to hear that you recently harmed yourself and my heart goes out to you. It can be incredibly distressing when our injuries result in scars and in my experience, feelings of shame not only have a detrimental impact on the way in which we feel about ourselves, but they can also adversely influence our ability to access the care and support that we so desperately need Heart


It can be incredibly painful when our relationships with our friends begin to change and I can still remember how powerless and distraught I felt when my friends drifted away or I found myself unable to keep pace with them. During these times, I became further isolated and I watched in distress as my world began to shrink just that little bit further.


I really wanted to understand your experiences with your friends, especially when you shared ‘I don’t know how to tell them how I feel.’ As such, I just ever so gently wondered if you’re finding it difficult to tell them how you feel in relation to what’s currently happening for you in your life, or if you’re finding it difficult to tell them how you feel when they don’t visit as often?


Absolutely! Having to wait a fortnight before you’re able to have contact with your support worker would feel like an eternity! In my experience, people often need frequent and ongoing support and as such, I just wondered if there are any other people involved in your care?


There have been so many times in my life when I felt such a profound sense of despair, that I lost any sense of hope that I would ever be able to find my way out of the emotional prison that had become my life. However, in time and with the necessary care and support I began to see glimmers of light shining through the darkness Heart


I felt really concerned when you shared ‘I’m not sure if I have anything left to offer the world anyway, or if I can find a way out of this hole this time’ and as such, I just ever so gently wondered what this meant for you?


I look forward to talking with you again whenever you feel ready and able to reach back Heart


In the meantime, please know that I’m thinking of you and sending you some very gentle and caring hugs at such a difficult time Heart


Take care of yourself,


ShiningStar Heart



Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hello @Rosemary4 


Noticed your "Support" for some posts in the last few days. Just thought I would take the opportunity to say Hi!


Best Wishes


Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Thank you all for your connecting with me. I'm sorry every time I try reply properly I lose train of thought, but I appreciate your time. I come back and read them over, thank you. Don't know what else to say. Not in good place tonight. Saw Dr today. I don't think the medication is working. I'm here on my own. It's not safe anywhere, not even in my dreams. Had some icecream that calmed me a little. I was coming good for a couple of weeks. Anyone awake?

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hello @Rosemary4 ,


I read you post from about an hour ago, it is just past midnight Eastern time, 10.04 W.A. time. I don't know whether I can help but would be happy to talk with you if you would like to.


Will be going to bed at 11.00 pm W.A. time


Best Wishes


Re: Wobbly after Hospital

note to self
-Exercise regularly... a daily walk at least.
-Eat a healthy diet.
-Get blood levels canchecked regularly.  
Take a daily mind, body and soul inventory check to limit the severity of a relapse.

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

@HenryX- thanks, sorry Ive missed you. I've spent an hour on forums this morning and enjoyed reading many of your posts in particular. You seem to have a lot of life experience and knowledge and so giving to here. Just thought I'd tell you that. I'm not sure what to write, quite down lately. Father's Day didn't help, I miss my dad. Hope your day is good.

 @ShiningStar  please forgive me, i'ts difficult for me to stay focused, to concentrate. I was just reading your post from a month ago and really appreciate your kindness and gentle confrontation that makes me think. To answer the last question first, you said
"I felt really concerned when you shared ‘I’m not sure if I have anything left to offer the world anyway, or if I can find a way out of this hole this time’ and as such, I just ever so gently wondered what this meant for you?"
It means I'm lost and do contemplate ending things often. Which I'm sure you picked up on. Everything relapse seems to take another large chunk off my life I'm not sure I'll get back. What's hard is how my condition pushed everyone away and I'm not connected to hardly anyone anymore which makes life hard and pointless, to be alone. Having said that, I've made my loungeroom really nice on the weekend and trying. And the weather is really wonderful this spring.
I've spent a lot of time reading helpful posts and bipolar links on the forums here this morning. Really helpful, and lots to absorb.  Thank you 💐 

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hello @Rosemary4 


Thank you for the contact and your reference regarding cyclothymia. Very much appreciated.


With My Best Wishes


Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Thanks HenryX Sorry