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Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @Rosemary4 


I just wanted to reach out and offer you some support Heart


I just wondered how are you feeling today?


I can only imagine how disorientating and overwhelming is must feel for you to return home after spending a period of time in hospital - especially when this is something that you didn’t feel ready for Smiley Sad


I really love your idea of ‘a half-way house’ and I have no doubt that this type of support would be invaluable for so many people who are still feeling really vulnerable and finding the transition from hospital incredibly daunting.


Just from what you described, your idea reminded me about ‘step up step down’ services Smiley Happy I’m not too sure if you’re familiar with these, but basically from what I can understand, they provide short term residential support and individualised care for people following their discharge from hospital. They can also provide support for people who are living in the community and who are experiencing a change in their mental health, in the hope of preventing hospitalisation. As such, I just wondered if this was something that you would feel comfortable mentioning to your case manager, just in case you’re eligible to receive this support Heart


I’m so deeply sorry to hear that your younger sister died to suicide. The emotional connection between sisters can be something that’s almost indescribable and I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and anguish that you may be feeling at this time Heart


Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry that people in your life have told you ‘to get over it already’ Smiley Sad In my experience, these responses only stand to further isolate people, compound their distress and make it so much harder for them to be able to reach out for the care and support that they so desperately need and deserve Heart As such, I just ever so gently wanted to reassure you that we all grieve differently and that there are absolutely no ‘rules’ or ‘correct time frames’ in relation to when someone ‘should have’ grieved the loss of their loved one Heart


As I read your story, I got the sense that you’re feeling completely alone in your experiences and shouldering so much by yourself Heart As such, I just wanted to share a few resources with you in case you would like to connect with some organisations who support people who are bereaved by suicide Heart


The first organisation is called The Suicide Call Back Service Heart One of the services that they provide is telephone and online support and counselling for people who are bereaved by suicide.


They are available 7 days a week 24 hours a day.


Their contact telephone number is: 1300 659 467.


I’ve just included a link to their services, in case you would like to explore this further Smiley Happy


The second organisation is called Standby Support After Suicide, which is also based here in Australia. Basically, they provide support to anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any time in their life.


As such, they provide free support in person or via the telephone. They also provide continued support for up to two years, to ensure that people aren’t alone and that they receive the ongoing support that they need.


I’ve just included a link below in case you would like to search for support in your area:


Standby Support After Suicide also provide 24 hour telephone support for people who live in Sydney, South Coast New South Wales and the Blue Mountains (and they’re hoping to be able to offer this service to people living in other parts of Australia in the near future)


I’m not too sure whereabouts in Australia you live, but just in case you live in one of these areas and you would like to reach out to them, their telephone number

is: 1300 727 247 Heart


You’re also more than welcome to contact the SANE helpline Smiley Happy Basically, the helpline is staffed by qualified mental health professionals who provide support to people who are living with complex mental health issues and also to the people who support them Heart


I’ve contacted the helpline on several occasions and I’ve always had a really positive experience where I felt supported and understood Smiley Happy


If you would like to contact them, their telephone number is: 1800 18 7263.


They operate Monday to Friday from 10.00am until 10.00pm AEST.


In addition to telephone support, they also provide support via web chat and email.


Sometimes it can be difficult to get through on the telephone, but if this is something that you’re interested in, you’re more than welcome to schedule an appointment via their website - that way you can guarantee that you’ll be able to talk with someone on a day that best works for you Heart I’ve just included the link for you below, in case this is something that you would like to explore further:


Please remember that you’re always welcome to reach out here whenever you feel ready and / or need to Heart Nothing is too big or too small and you’re welcome to share whatever feels safe and comfortable for you (as long as what we share adheres to the community guidelines Smiley Happy)


Thinking of you Heart


ShiningStar Heart



Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hope you have plenty groceries now. 


Smiley Happy


I have not met too many people who have lost a sibling to suicide.  It has not been long.  We have a bit in common.  I did not answer at first because I hoped others would respond.  it is a huge experience, and I did not want to swamp you with mine. Your loss would be pretty raw still.


It was good to read a little about her and your relationship. Is there any small memorialisiing of her that you can do.  Crafty, photo or just a candle or something.  Something that externalises the loss so its not ALL inside, and you can focus and calm yourself in the positive aspects, there is enough of the sad.


We are both older sisters.  My sister was 4 years younger.  It makes a difference to the shape of the experience I think.  I could relate a lot to your post especially ...


QUOTE "And thanks for condolences re my sister, she struggled so long, i kinda knew she'd pull it off one day but ya never prepared for it,  the finality. She was 5yrs younger than me and quite the trendsetter,  always trying to get me to wear more makeup and stuff. She wore black a lot "mourning her lost childhood" she use to joke. Had humour. We talked a lot, said I was the only one who understood her upbringing nightmare, what it was like. Actually, I didn't like being a sounding board for bitching about mum etc But I understand it & we were both lonely. Yes, it has rocked my world to lose her.. Feels too hard to go on without her, someone clo , nobody to really connect with on the little thngs"


A couple of days ago was my sis' birthday.... it has become a bit of a delicate anniversary for me now.  My sister passed over 30 years ago.  Yes she made many earlier attempts too.  edited.


Make the best of being at home, and tag me anytime you think it would help.  I did eventually go to a SIBLINGS group for 'support after suicide", but it was only a couple of years ago. Not sure what is available in your area. 






Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @ShiningStar and thank you for your empathy and for the contacts for support. Really don't have the energy for reaching out. Wish services came to me. Even once a week for a while, or less, I'd rather be alone than with bunch hostile hurting strangers. Dr once told me to stay at women's refuge, rather than spend the night alone suicidal, but one woman starts acting out with weapon that triggered me (past abuse) 

 @Appleblossom  I am sorry you lost your little sister too. Being an older sibling kinda leaves a  feeling of responsibility, similar to a parent maybe, it's just wrong, them first, and not being together enough to be a better big sister for her 😢 makes me so sad. 

Yes, I ducked out quickly to grab milk and bread.



Re: Wobbly after Hospital


One thing I learned to separate out after a long time, was my yearning to be with her and missing her which became part of my own suicidal ideation.  It took a long time to tease out thinking about her and honouring her life as she was, rather than escalating my thinking with all the could ofs ...


A once per week visit at home, after discharge, would a huge improvement in delivery of services.  It need not always take 2 workers like CAT team .... why they have not instigated that ALREADY is beyond me.


Honour your own feelings about readiness to be more social.  Joining the forum social activities can be a little help and distract, but does not demand too much energy.


Gently Bently





Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @Rosemary4


It’s lovely to hear from you Heart


With everything that’s happening for you, it makes so much sense that you just don’t have the energy to reach out to anyone at this time Heart


Absolutely! It would be fantastic if there were people who could reach out to you - even if it was just for a short period of time Heart Sometimes just having someone who can reach out to us when we’re feeling vulnerable, distressed and alone in our experiences, can make such a difference Heart


Oh Rosemary4 Heart I felt concerned when you shared ‘I’d rather be alone than with a bunch of hostile strangers’ and as such, I just ever so gently wondered if you would feel comfortable to share what this means for you?


Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry to hear about your experience of spending some time in a women’s refuge Smiley Sad What you described sounds absolutely terrifying and it’s so understandable that this triggered some of your past traumas Heart


Please remember that you’re always welcome to reach out here whenever you need to Heart


In the meantime, please know that I’m thinking of you and sending you some gentle hugs Heart


ShiningStar Heart




Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @Appleblossom 


I’m so deeply sorry to hear that your sister passed away Heart


Please know that I’m thinking of you Heart


Take gentle care of yourself,


ShiningStar Heart

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

"yearning to be with her"
"suicidal ideation"
How do you "honour" someone's like that was so troubled all the time? Distance made it hard for my sister and I. My first admission and Bipolar (MI) diqgnosis hit her hard. Then when it came to her and my brother I felt in some weird way that I was responsible, being first. Life the first to get a job or licence... Did you ever feel that?
How long did it take you to stop obcessing over the what ifs?
Joining the forum here, and reading people's stories does help a bit, and lessons feeling so isolated. Hope to branch out more this week.
What is your MI? Do you have support?

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @ShiningStar  thank you for your reply. Are you a mental health worker? You seem knowledgable. 

You said

"I'm concerned when you shared ‘I’d rather be alone than with a bunch of hostile strangers’ and wondered if you would feel comfortable sharing what this means for you?"

I guess it means I'm scared of the potential monster in people if I dare to go out among them. It's the way they look at me. Its like they can see into me and know my shame, and are disgusted. It's hard to explain. One guy looked at me so strange the other day I kept checking if he was following me home and drove the long way round to make sure. The fear isolates me. It's real but I also know it's not rational. It's just safer at home but even here I get scared, but less. Does that make sense? 

I saw my Psychiatrist yesterday, unfortunately he wouldn't reduce my meds despite those side-affects, said they'll ware off. Or maybe he meant i will just get use to it. I'm not sure if he's just trying to numb me so I feel nothing. How do we live if we can't feel? What choice do i have? Should I stop the meds? Then I lose his support or worse. I don't have much other support.

Thank you for checking in.

 Are you ok?

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @Rosemary4 


It’s so lovely to hear from you Heart


Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me Heart Some of our experiences can be really difficult to describe and I think that you’ve done a wonderful job describing these Heart


After reading about your experiences, I can really appreciate why you feel so scared and unsafe Smiley Sad Feeling that people have the ability to see those parts of ourselves that we’re so desperately trying to keep hidden, can feel absolutely terrifying Smiley Sad


Absolutely Heart Living in a constant state of fear (even if there’s a part of us that can identify that our fears are irrational) can be incredibly debilitating and this really does have the potential to impact so many areas of our lives.


I really got the sense that there were times when perhaps you feel trapped between a rock and a hard place, as on the one hand venturing out into the world feels unsafe, however on the other hand, staying at home doesn’t feel completely safe either Smiley Sad My heart really goes out to you as the distress associated with feeling unsafe can be excruciating.


I’m so sorry to hear that your Psychiatrist was unable to reduce the dosage of your medications and I can really hear how desperately you need some relief from the side effects that you’re currently experiencing. I just wondered if he was able to provide more of a specific time frame in relation to when some of the side effects would start to ease?


I also just ever so gently wanted to say that making the decision to suddenly stop a specific medication, or adjusting the dosage without medical supervision could be harmful for you and so please take care around this Heart


Oh wow! Your question ‘how do we live if we can’t feel?’ is really thought provoking. Feeling numb and disconnected can have such a profound impact on the way in which we’re able to participate in life and this can be a truly distressing place to be Heart I know there have been times in my life when I almost haven’t been able to allow myself to feel, as the rush of emotions have just been too overwhelming for me Smiley Sad I just ever so gently wondered if this is something that you can relate to?


Thank you so much for checking in with me - that’s really kind of you Smiley Happy Some days are a little easier than others - I just have to remind myself to breathe Heart


Thank you also for your interest in my profession Smiley Happy I’m a Social Worker by profession, however due to mental health issues, I haven’t worked for a few years now Heart


Please know that I’m thinking of you and sending you some very caring and gentle hugs Heart


ShiningStar Heart

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @ShiningStar - thank you for your thoughtful and thorough reply & caring Hugz. Sorry I've not checked in for so long. I forgot to.
Yes, perhaps the overwhelm makes me block emotion. Be it reflex or side effects I'm not sure, not much I can do about it.
I'm wondering if maybe the combination of medication (BP & antidepressant) is doing it... making me feel dead already. I feel so sluggish. Maybe it will wear off.