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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well hope it works out okay @SmilingGecko 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

hope it works out with friend  @Meowmy 

Re: Tabaluga's

It held together well and turned out of the pan easily @TAB just will wait until it cools down for a taste test.




Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten @TAB @Meowmy @Bill16 @SmilingGecko @ENKELI @greenpea @Oaktree @PeppyPatti  and any I've missed (sorry)


Back from Port Macquarie this afternoon. Was a great trip for my dad's 80th.


I think I've fallen too far behind on threads, so I'm drawing a line here and starting afresh 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

ha ha hope you're sick @StuF  bet was good food anyways . Port won , lol

Re: Tabaluga's

welcome back @StuF, good to hear you had a great time. Hope your week goes well for you too 😊

Re: Tabaluga's


Hope you've been well?



Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @ENKELI 

I hope you have a good week too

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

oh just the usual here @StuF  okay enough thanks.

just got dentists appt @SmilingGecko  ha ha said 'pain' and got in in 2days time, and in bigtown, not 2.5hr drive to last ordinary one. they also said there is a 'form'can get from hosp that limits payment to $67maybe thats cos urgent, worth investigating anyways @Meowmy @ENKELI 

Re: Tabaluga's

I hope the dentist does the job @TAB ! Great that you got in quickly

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