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Something’s not right

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Help Please

I have an elderly father who has always struggled with mental illness all his life. Over the past 2-3 years he has refused to take any medication. He has made our lives and my mothers lives a living hell at home. He is continually mentally abusive to our mother, has delusions, goes off on wild rants, breaks things in wild rages, never showers, makes verbal threats of harm to family members. It has gotten to the stage where family members living in the house all lock their doors at night because they are frightened.  Can anyone suggest a way forward? 


Re: Help Please

hi @Disparate888 and welcome
that sounds incredibly tough for sure!
Have you considered speaking to a geriatrician or his gp privatley to express your concerns?
the emotional and verbal abuse along with the rage really does need assessing by a professional. you can contact my aged care or put in an online referral and they'll contact you. they will ask lots of questions but they do assessments and things to get some support for you and family in the household
Not applicable

Re: Help Please

Hey @Disparate888,

That sounds like a really terrifying way for your mum and family to be living right now. How are you travelling? 🌻

Re: Help Please

that sounds very hard @Disparate888 

how are you today 

have you been able to talk to a doctor about the family concerns 

I am thinking of you and your family xx

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