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Re: Share a cuppa?

The MH team has given him their number to ring anytime if he needs too @Jynx which is good 

Thanks my @Jynx 😊

Re: Share a cuppa?

❤️ @Former-Member , @StuF , @Dimity 

Think I will be in bed very soon my friends 


Hello my @Meowmy 😊

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Re: Share a cuppa?

🤗 @Shaz51  Sorry to hear youve broken your wrist and its arthritic - I hope the injections are helpful 🙂💜

I have been on immune modifiers for my problem, and they do come with side effects, but for some people, they work really well 🙂

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Re: Share a cuppa?

I hope you get good rest and sleep well @Shaz51 🙂🌺


Re: Share a cuppa?

@Former-Member @Shaz51 I had a 2 min 36 sec telehealth consultation to be told I have heart disease and need bloods done again. Hardly time to blink.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Omg @Dimity 

That’s ridiculous.

You’d think that the consultation would go longer. They probably got paid for at least 10 minutes. I would be super annoyed 

Re: Share a cuppa?

It felt super dismissive @Oaktree. Thanks for your support, it means a lot.

Re: Share a cuppa?



Was it with a GP or cardiologist? Is there any scope to change your doctor to someone who is going to be a bit more thorough or thoughtful of how the news is going to sit with you. Oh by the way you have heart disease- bye

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh, @Dimity  😞

I’m so sorry ❤️‍🩹

Of course that was nowhere enough time to describe to you what type of heart problem/s exist, what tests are needed, what the plan is on return of those next tests, and what - if any - medicine or lifestyle modifications might be helpful in the interim (if known)..! 
That is what I’d imagine would be the minimum discussion. 
I am really miffed as to how such a brief Telehealth is considered helpful 😞

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Yes @Oaktree 

i agree - this news needs to be handled with sensitivity and care @Dimity ❤️‍🩹

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